Wasabi Wallet - About
Better money
Better world


We recognize that the most pressing challenge for humanity is rectifying the monetary system, and we firmly believe that Bitcoin stands as the optimal solution. However, we acknowledge that privacy remains its paramount concern.

Wasabi Wallet emerged to uphold Bitcoin's cypherpunk ethos and contribute to its evolution into a global reserve currency, addressing the inherent privacy issues associated with its public ledger. As an open-source, non-custodial desktop Bitcoin wallet, Wasabi incorporates trustless coinjoin technology to enhance privacy.

Years of dedicated research and development have led us to a crucial realization: effective tools alone are insufficient—they must also be user-friendly. Without ease of use, these tools risk being adopted solely by a minority, inadvertently highlighting users within the crowd. To promote widespread adoption, Wasabi is meticulously designed to be user-friendly and ensures privacy as the default setting.

The Evolution of Wasabi Wallet

  • 2015 - Years of Research

    Ádám Ficsór, aka nopara73, and Lucas Ontivero conducted extensive research on Joinmarket, Zerolink, Tor, and Bitcoin Programming to pave the way for creating their privacy-centric bitcoin wallet.

  • 2017 - Hidden Wallet

    Ádám experimented with a chaumian coinjoin implementation in Hidden Wallet, incorporating rudimentary Tor and block filter integration. The UI, while simple, exposed coordination details to the user.

  • 2018 - zkSNACKs Ltd. is Formed

    Ádám joined forces with Gergely Hajdú and Bálint Harmat to establish zkSNACKs, a for-profit organization sponsoring the development of Wasabi Wallet (previously Hidden Wallet). The name is a wordplay on zkSNARKs and zkSTARKs cryptographic concepts, signifying zero-knowledge, as Wasabi Wallet cannot store personally identifiable information.

  • 2018 - Building on Bitcoin Conference

    Lisbon, Portugal

    Nopara73 announced Wasabi Wallet's launch on the 10-year anniversary of the Satoshi Whitepaper during his presentation on "Anonymous Bitcoin" at the Building on Bitcoin Conference.

  • 2018 - Wasabi Wallet is Released

    Wasabi v1.0: Stable Release was launched on October 31, 2018, as an open-source, non-custodial, privacy-focused Bitcoin wallet for desktop implementing trustless coinjoin.

  • 2019 - MIT Bitcoin Expo

    David Molnár, CTO and Developer, introduced Wasabi Wallet at the MIT Bitcoin Expo, emphasizing its innovative coinjoin feature.

  • 2019 - Recognition from Bitcoin.org

    Wasabi Wallet is listed on https://bitcoin.org as a wallet available for Linux, Apple, and Windows desktop operating systems.

  • 2019 - 10 BTC Bounty

    Wasabi awarded a 10 BTC bounty for the coinjoin privacy implementation, promoting a more end-user accessible solution and broader adoption.

  • 2020 - HRF Donation

    1 BTC is donated to the HRF's Bitcoin Development Fund to protect Bitcoin users' right to privacy.

  • 2020 - Wasabi Wallet 2.0 Announced

    On November 5th, 2020, nopara73 announced the commencement of constructing Wasabi Wallet 2.0, a "next-generation Bitcoin privacy Wallet."

  • 2021 - Join the Wasabikas Podcast

    Max Hillebrand, a longstanding Wasabi Contributor, launched "Join the Wasabikas," a podcast exploring bitcoin privacy with notable guests from the Bitcoin ecosystem.

  • 2021 - Bitcoin Knots Donation

    Wasabi Wallet and Bull Bitcoin donate 0.86 BTC towards the development of Bitcoin Knots.

  • 2021 - 1.11 BTC Grant

    Wasabi Wallet launches the 1.11 BTC Lightning Network Privacy Research Grant in cooperation with MAGIC Grants.

  • 2022 - New Logo

    The Wasabi Wallet Logo undergoes a transformation from the original green and orange shield to a sleek, modern design.

  • 2022 - Wasabi Wallet 2.0

    After two years of development, Wasabi Wallet 2.0 is launched on June 15th, marking a new era for Bitcoin privacy.

Reclaim your privacy now

Get started in 3 simple steps

Wasabi Wallet Download

1. Download Wasabi Wallet

Wasabi Wallet Create Wallet

2. Create a new wallet

Wasabi Wallet Coinjoin

3. Let auto-coinjoin do its magic